Mel 5th July 2010

Mum, i miss you soo much, life has been very difficult since your passing, and you are not here to fix things! I am trying to be strong just like you, we all are, but nothing will ever fill the gapping hole i have in my heart never. The kids are doing just fine, they miss and dream of you often, really lovely dreams too. Dad is struggling without you, obviously his lfe can never be the same either, you were together too long for it to be any different. Thank god for our lovely memories no-one can ever take them away, you looked so happy on your 60th Wedding Anniversary, i am so proud of you and Dad for achieving 60yrs of marriage. Monica and Jack are copeing the best they can, but again we are soo devasted without you here Mum, how can anything be the same?? We all visit your resting place Mum, its always perfect, fresh flowers, lovely headstone, and wonderfull view of your favourite place and home Tenby. But yor not really there Mum, your in Paradise.... Heaven, resting in peace with Perry my angel son, whom i also miss dreadfully. Well Mum, i will come back soon,as painful as it is to write these words to you, when really i want to talk to you in person, and give you a huge hug and kiss, tell you i love you and never let you go. Love forever and always your daughter Melanie xxxxxxxxxxxxx